Higher Mathematics Teaching Department

The Higher Mathematics Teaching Department was established in 2021 and now has 15 full-time teachers, including 4 associate professors, 1 teacher with doctoral degree and 100% teachers with master's degree. The teaching department is mainly responsible for the construction, teaching and research of Higher Mathematics A, Higher Mathematics B and Introduction to Mathematics. At the same time, it is responsible for the postgraduate entrance examination guidance and mathematics competition of mathematics courses. In addition, it cooperates with other departments to complete mathematical modeling, discipline construction and specialty construction.

Teachers of Higher Mathematics Teaching Department presided over or participated in the completion of 4 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 4 provincial scientific research projects, 7 provincial teaching reform projects, more than 10 school level teaching reform projects, 6 provincial teaching achievement awards and 8 school level teaching achievement awards. It has published more than 20 scientific research papers in domestic and foreign journals, including more than 10 SCI and EI retrieval papers and more than 20 teaching reform papers. The teachers of the department actively participated in various lecture competitions and micro class competitions at all levels, of which 1 won the national second prize of micro class competition, 3 won the provincial first prize and 2 won the provincial second prize. A total of 3 teachers won the honorary title of "teaching model of Henan Province". In recent years, the Higher Mathematics Teaching Department has actively built and improved the teaching platform of MOOC, and constantly explored the curriculum teaching reform. In 2020, higher mathematics was recognized as the first-class online and offline mixed undergraduate course in Henan Province, and higher mathematics A(2) won the second prize of excellent online teaching course in Henan Province. In 2020, the higher mathematics course group was rated as the school level excellent grass-roots organization, and in 2021, the higher mathematics teaching grass-roots organization was recommended by the university to apply for the excellent grass-roots organization in Henan Province.